
® 机器服务在OK & TX

Routine service 和 preventative 维护 are essential to avoiding equipment failures at critical moments. 而 积极的检查 和 维修 它们在任何年龄都是必不可少的,随着机器的老化,它们变得更加重要.

新葡京博彩官网提供服务, 维护 以及维修所有猫设备. 地理位置便利 俄克拉何马州在西德克萨斯和德克萨斯狭长地带,你可以指望我们的认证 机器和组件重建液压维修起落架服务,焊接,制造等. 我们的广泛的 部分库存 确保大多数维修的快速周转.

立即在线新葡京博彩官网 机器服务或致电866-292-7736.



日常维护和保养是最简单的, most efficient 和 most cost-effective ways to keep your machine working at its peak performance while avoiding unanticipated downtime 和 lowering operating costs. 如果您的机器只工作在80%, that’s a 20% loss in productivity over the course of the week — the equivalent of a four-day job taking five days to complete.

Keep your essential equipment operating at peak efficiency to protect the timelines of all your projects. 新葡京博彩官网 equipment services reduce wear 和 identify minor 维修 that may cause significant efficiency 和 machine performance changes. Some of the machines that benefit from routine 维护 services include:

  • 挖掘机 和  加载器: 用大桶和重物, backhoes 和 轮 loaders often experience significant stress both in their undercarriage 和 hydraulic components. 我们的服务部门可以提供 液压诊断 as well as convenient preventative 维护 packages that include regular inspections 和 service every 10, 50, 100, 250小时以上.
  • 推土机: Undercarriage 维修 for wear 和 stress also account for a substantial portion of a dozer’s ongoing service expense. 你是否有一个小推土机用于美化景观和 光建设 或者在恶劣环境下工作的重型推土机, regular service helps minimize wear 和 extends the life of your equipment’s tracks, 针, 衬套和其他重要部件.
  • 液压 挖掘机: 就像推土机, excavators also benefit from routine undercarriage 和 hydraulic system service 和 维护. And their easily accessible components make regular 维护 fast 和 easy. We can even train your crew 和 company on daily basic 维护 or arrange for periodic service calls by our team of mobile field technicians.
  • 打滑 s三通S和紧凑型 track loaders: 猫滑转向装载机和ctl提供动力, 灵活和多功能性在紧凑的尺寸, 适用于各种应用, 包括 农业景观、一般建筑等. These flexible 和 versatile machines are relied on for a wide variety of tasks 和 applications. It’s important to keep these machines in peak operating condition with regular service 和 inspections.
  • 电动机 g雷德: 猫电机平地机是配备精密电子设备的先进机器, drawbar systems 和 hydraulic components requiring specialized equipment 和 training to keep in optimal working condition. Regular inspection 和 service will ensure your machine always performs at its best.
  • Teleh和lers: These advanced machines rely on their hydraulic systems 和 undercarriages to be in peak operational condition so your crews can rely on them to perform safely 和 protect against on-the-job accidents. 您可以依靠华伦CAT的定期服务专业知识, 液压维修和起落架维修.
  • 转储 t变皱: 许多施工船队的主力, a well-maintained articulated truck engine has an extremely long service life, 而其他部件可以根据需要更换或翻新, 有效地给了这些机器无限的寿命. 华伦CAT可以服务所有类型的底盘, 床, 液压和其他公路和非公路卡车部件.


新葡京博彩官网, we work with you to provide total fleet solutions that always keep you productive 和 profitable. 澳门新葡京博彩先进的诊断工具和我们技术人员的专业知识, 我们在问题成为问题之前就发现它们, 所以你可以计划相应的维修. 我们还提供现场紧急支持,包括 我们的现场技术人员队伍 还有一队现场服务卡车.

我们一直 授权猫经销商 超过35年了. This extensive service record gives us the expertise to h和le various machine services. Our technicians 和 other team members strive to provide a positive experience for every client. 与华伦卡特合作可以为您带来以下好处:

  • 一个广泛的服务区域,方便您随时访问
  • 解决所有机器维修和维护的全方位服务解决方案
  • 专注于促进我们所服务的所有客户的信任
  • 耐久性和可靠性的声誉,适合一个猫经销商
  • 获得广泛的正品猫零件供应


Our technicians at 新葡京博彩官网 have extensive expertise 和 a wide range of diagnostic tools to identify your construction equipment repair needs. We identify worn parts or discover why your equipment has stopped working as it should. 华伦CAT服务专家团队可以帮助您发展 自定义维护和服务计划 以满足您的预算,并保持您的机器运行在最佳状态.

我们在 我们在俄克拉荷马州的商店 和德克萨斯州解决各种行业的设备问题, 从林业和园林绿化到重型建筑和采矿. We also offer field service to save you time 和 money by bringing the 维修 to your job site. 以下是我们提供的几项机器服务:

  • 故障排除: Our technicians can inspect machines to discover why they break down 和 offer services to get them running again.
  • 更换部分: 机器零件经常经得住时间的磨损. 我们可以更换皮带,电机,软管或其他重要的机器部件.
  • 校准: 我们的团队确保机器部件正常工作. 校准包括检查正确的测量和机器控制.
  • 预防性维护: 我们的专家 执行定期安排的任务 like inspections, filter replacements 和 fluid changes to keep machines in top condition.
  • 清洁: 污垢和碎片困在机器里往往会导致性能不佳. 我们的技术人员清洁和润滑机器零件,使其顺利运行.


新葡京博彩官网 has multiple locations offering everything from skid s三通 维护 to bulldozer services in West Texas 和 俄克拉何马州. 我们进行预防性维护, field service 和 维修 to maintain your equipment 和 to optimize efficiency 和 minimize your downtime.

在网上寻求帮助 告诉我们您的设备和服务需求. We’ll work with your schedule to perform service 和 keep your operation running.

